Installed September 2017 – summer 2020 on the facade of the raised walkway of the museum.
Dimensions 20.4m + 18.7m + 12.7m (width) x 3.2m (height). Digital print on Blueback paper.
(Photographs Ivan Petrovic)
The first project in the series of annual site specific interventions on the glass facade of the pasarela in the courtyard of the Gallery-Legacy of Milica Zorić and Rodoljub Čolakovic, Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade, is Mark Brogan’s photo-wallpaper Unforgetting Aelita. The artist takes sets from films predating the digital revolution and interprets them using contemporary design tools to show the difference which emerges when the past and the present are mediated. The films which inspire him always have at their core some sort of idealism. The film set in this particular wallpaper image is drawn from Yakov Protazanov's Aelita: Queen of Mars of 1924, a story about a space mission to and socialist revolution on Mars.
This large scale work over 50 metres long shows a future vision of a Martian palace, cityscape and landscape inspired by the constructivist ideas of the film, the architectural forms of Yakov Chernikhov and 21st Century design. Into the scenery depicted in the image Brogan makes 'optical interventions' which filter and refract the source inspiration, acting like lens which allude to the imprecise recall of memory and the essential function of forgetting.
The wallpaper image was realised in a collaboration with the architect Igor Sjeverac using contemporary digital modelling and parametric tools (a type of automated digital design).